Another weekend passed.
Here're what I did all in a row today - Woke
up at 11am, brewed a ginger tea, got changed and lunched out, back at 3 sth and
made pancakes for a petite family tea time, spent 3 hours sorting out winter
clothes, cooked dinner for myself, prepared salad for tomorrow's breakfast,
swept and mopped the floor, gym at 9pm, back in 10 sth, full body scrub with
coffee residue (btw the best zero-cost beauty treatment so far!), hair treatment
and reader's digest at the same time, then french homework, and then here I am
typing (lol)
It might sound quite hectic for a Sunday, but it's in fact a luxury to have no big appointment on a holiday and to stay home most of the day, clearing some chores and pampering myself a bit.
The thing is, I did them slowly. I took my time and did them in a slow pace.
And that's probably why I don't feel too tired now. And I find this busily enjoyable, or, enjoyably busy =P
Well, it could be the thyroid pill that I've been taking which makes me more energetic now, or less easily to feel tired (it was diagnosed that my thyroid wasn't functioning to its fullest and I had been living on a slighly lower than normal level of thyroid hormones all these years, which would result in a lack of energy or more prone to get tired.)
I have been feeling more energetic and not feeling too bad even under packed schedule. So now I know live slow or relax doesn't mean lying on bed and doing nothing. You could do a lot and yet feel relaxed, as long as you take your time and not rushing anything.
Of course, I still feel lazy all the time and tend to slack whenever I can (that's just because I was born lazy..guess I can't blame my thyroid anymore XDD)
Let's live slow and live active, at the same time.