marshmallow puff: November 2012

Monday, 26 November 2012

Live Slow vs Live Active

Another weekend passed.

Here're what I did all in a row today - Woke up at 11am, brewed a ginger tea, got changed and lunched out, back at 3 sth and made pancakes for a petite family tea time, spent 3 hours sorting out winter clothes, cooked dinner for myself, prepared salad for tomorrow's breakfast, swept and mopped the floor, gym at 9pm, back in 10 sth, full body scrub with coffee residue (btw the best zero-cost beauty treatment so far!), hair treatment and reader's digest at the same time, then french homework, and then here I am typing (lol)

It might sound quite hectic for a Sunday, but it's in fact a luxury to have no big appointment on a holiday and to stay home most of the day, clearing some chores and pampering myself a bit.

The thing is, I did them slowly. I took my time and did them in a slow pace.

And that's probably why I don't feel too tired now. And I find this busily enjoyable, or, enjoyably busy =P
Well, it could be the thyroid pill that I've been taking which makes me more energetic now, or less easily to feel tired (it was diagnosed that my thyroid wasn't functioning to its fullest and I had been living on a slighly lower than normal level of thyroid hormones all these years, which would result in a lack of energy or more prone to get tired.)

I have been feeling more energetic and not feeling too bad even under packed schedule. So now I know live slow or relax doesn't mean lying on bed and doing nothing. You could do a lot and yet feel relaxed, as long as you take your time and not rushing anything.

Of course, I still feel lazy all the time and tend to slack whenever I can (that's just because I was born lazy..guess I can't blame my thyroid anymore XDD)

Let's live slow and live active, at the same time.

Saturday, 10 November 2012



能公開寫的在Facebook的album裏已經寫了, 最當下的感受在旅程中也已經寫在日記本上了, 在這兒就不記事, 只抒情 (哈!)

這是一趟很難忘的旅程, 想想也覺得有點不可思議, 我就這麼一個人在蒙古過了18天

其實不是一個人啦..營裏總共有12個義工, 法國來的Nicolas和Aline, 比利時來的Jay和Sharyne, 來自北愛爾蘭74歲的Helen, 韓國的Jongeun, 五個台灣人Emily, Iris, Nirvana, Ikea和Nai-ling, 另外還有蒙古的搞手兼義工Chinnbaa和Sarah. 除了Emily, Iris和Nirvana之外, 其他人都是和我一樣一個人來的。從亞洲到歐洲, 從20歲到74歲, 一大夥人成天嘻嘻哈哈, 煮飯洗衫, 天南地北甚麼都聊, 中間也偶有不悅的時候, 也偶有火藥味, 可是很快也就過去了, 最後離別時大家都是哭得希哩嘩啦的。唯一的安慰是, 以後去這些地方就會有朋友可以依靠囉 XD 我們都知道大家的要求, 真的, 一張沙發或者是一張墊子就夠了, 睡袋大家會自備的 =)

這次旅行改變了我對旅行的想法。旅行不一定要住酒店, 不一定要高床暖枕 , 不一定要舒適安逸, 不一定要吃得好, 不一定要走遍每一個名勝景點, 不一定要有密密麻麻的行程, 甚至不一定要有旅伴。相信旅行的意義在於不同人會有不同的註釋, 至於現在的我, 認為旅行的意義是在於體驗不一樣的生活, 探索別國的文化, 並在過程中讓思緒沉澱, 重新審視自己, 認清方向。

如果說我鼓起勇氣隻身去蒙古是跨出了一步, 那麼我在旅程終結前獨自去騎三天的馬就是跨出了另一步。那一天早上, 面對旅伴的臨陣脫逃, 還有一片離愁別緒, 想起自己要和一個不懂說英文的馬伕就這樣騎著馬在草原上過三天, 說沒有想過退縮是騙人的。我差一點點, 價錢也問好了, 差一點點就把旅程改成兩天。可我最後還是憑著一點點倔強, 口袋裏放一把軍刀, 一支電筒, 一張金箔毯, 還有一條巧克力, 抬起頭, 挺起胸, 揮揮手就瀟灑的出發去了。(好啦當時那個畫面是沒有那麼瀟灑啦....其實就是淚還淌著背著鼓鼓的背包衣服穿很多然後手還提著個睡袋這樣出發的..hehee)

縱然不安縱然害怕, 就在我跳上巴士的那一刻, 我知道我的決定是對的。我知道如果放棄的話我一定會後悔。我慶幸我沒有。我學會了要認清自己想做的事, 不要受別人影響而忘了自己的目標, 而且認清了就要克服恐懼, 不要害怕自己一個人。問問自己, 到底是繼續比較不會後悔, 還是放棄比較不會後悔, 答案通常都是顯而易見的。

回到香港, 慢慢又再回復到那種營營役役, 上班下班的生活。我很想念在大草原上馳騁疾奔的感覺, 很想念一望無際的壯麗山川, 很想念零下十幾度瑟縮著欣賞漫天繁星, 很想念大雪中馬兒迎著風緩緩地往前走的淒美。我是回來了, 可是我的心走得更遠了, 我比從前甚麼時候都更清晰知道自己想再多去走走看看。世界很大, 風景很美, 青春很短暫, 我想要再多走走看看。
